Broken Heart Woodworks was started in 2006 when I built my first mountain banjo in the kitchen of my apartment in Fort Collins, CO with a jigsaw and a rasp. I soon found myself working on skateboards, bird houses, and furniture…but banjos have remained my passion.
In my two years in the Peace Corps in Malawi, I continued to explore woodworking with local tools and people. As part of village living, I had time to create, tinker, and build. Giving my instruments as gifts to my friends was one way I could respond in kind to all that was given and shared with me. As part of the Malawi Music Project, Peace Corps volunteers and Malawian students hand built banjos using local materials. It resulted in shared music and skills–and some awesome concerts.
Now living outside Yosemite in another great village, I continue to enjoy the creation process–from cutting boards, dining room tables to Banjitars. (patent pending…. 🙂 )